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West Bridgewater Youth Athletic Association

West Bridgewater Youth Athletic Association, Inc. Scholarship (WBYAA)


Applicant must be a graduating senior having participated in a minimum of 4 years in the WBYAA to be verified by the official records.  All applicants must be continuing their education (full time) at an accredited college-university or certified certificate program.


Scholarship will be based on a point system and a short essay. 

  • Applicants will be awarded 1 point for every sport season that he or she completed as a member of the West Bridgewater Youth Athletic Association.

  • Applicants will be awarded 1 point for every season he or she participated as a volunteer (staff, umpiring, refereeing, field duty, snack bar, etc.) on behalf of the WBYAA.  Additional points may be awarded if a season includes continual volunteer efforts. Example: Coaching a team for a season would be awarded additional points. Hours volunteering to meet family obligations or for NHS should not be included. Umpiring & refereeing that the student was paid should also not be included. 

  • In order for an application to be considered, it must be accompanied by a short essay (less than 1 page) in which the applicant is required to explain to the members of the scholarship committee how their involvement in the WBYAA may influence their future as productive members of their community. The scholarship committee will award each essay 1-5 points based on the content of the essay.

  • All applications will be given to the scholarship committee to verify completed sports played, volunteer activity and content of essay. 

  • The committee uses the application as a guide for selecting the scholarship recipients considering the accumulated points, essay content, completed application and any additional information available about the applicants.

Scholarships ($1,500 each) will be awarded to two qualifying seniors. In the case of a tie in points, the students’ GPA will determine the scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded in the name of the student AND the school with a submitted copy of the 2nd semester tuition bill to the chair of the above committee. 


WBYAA Scholarship Application

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