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West Bridgewater Youth Athletic Association

Welcome to the West Bridgewater Youth Athletics Association (WBYAA) website! The WBYAA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization run by parent volunteers to provide an opportunity for the athletic participation for the youth of the community.
The WBYAA supports the following sports for girls and boysthat are residents of West Bridgewater or participate in School Choice in West Bridgewater Public Schools:
Spring Soccer, Fall Soccer, Baseball, Softball, T Ball, and Basketball

The objective of the organization is to instill in the youth of West Bridgewater ideals of honesty, loyalty, confidence, self-respect and good sportsmanship so that they may be physically and morally better prepared to contribute constructively to their community. For more information on the WBYAA constitution, by laws, and team rules, please visit ourdocument library. If you are interested in getting involved, please send anemailwith your interest.
Sport Summary Information
TBallTee only and
Age 4 by 8/31 to
Age 6 by 9/1
FebApr - JunWB Baseball Fields
Majors, Pony
Age 7 by 8/31 to Age 15 on 5/1FebApr - JunWB Baseball Fields
Age 7 by 9/1 to Age 15 on 9/1FebApr - JunWB Baseball Fields
Minors, Majors,
Age 8 by 8/31 to Age 16 on 9/1Sep - OctDec - MarRose L and Howard
Fall SoccerGirls/Boys: U6, U8, U10, U12, U14Age 5 by 8/31 to Age 13 on 9/1JunAug - OctWB BaseballField or Howard
Winter SoccerGirls/Boys:U6,U8,U10,U12,Age 5 by 8/31 to Age 13 on 9/1Late Aug/SeptNov-MarBridgewater Sports Complex (aka - The Dome)
Spring SoccerGirls/Boys Travel:
U10, U12,
U14, U16,
U18, U19*
*boys only
Age 9 by 8/31 to Age 18 on 9/1SepMar - JunTravel & Howard

Note: Dates, locations, and ages subject to change. Please see respective sport information in the document section for latest updates

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