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West Bridgewater Youth Athletic Association

TBALL Rules: 

The focus on this age is for the players to begin to understand the basics of baseball and enjoy it. Safety is the primary goal. Depending on the number of registered players, the players will be split into two divisions with the younger division having preschool age kids and an older division with those players in Kindergarten age. There is some discretion by the commissioner of placement based on skill and experience of the player. 

  • Players on a team - 15 maximum
  • 50 feet between base
  • Every player bats and plays the field
  • The ball is hit off a batting tee * 
  • There are no walks or strikeouts
  • No stealing. Player stays on the base until the ball is hit.
  • An inning is over when all the players have batted once
  • Standard game is three innings
  • Scores are not kept
  • Safety helmets must be worn.
  • Bats - 25”/26” long. 2 1/4” diameter, max. 17 to 20 ounces.
  • Ball - 9” to 9 1/2” around, 4 to 5 ounces. Softer than a standard baseball. Molded core or sponge rubber center.
  • Gloves - 12” long, max.
  • Tee - adjustable, flexible tube on a moveable base. 
  • Athletic footwear


* Coach-Pitch: In the older TBall league at the coaches discretion, they may pitch to the player. If the player does not hit after 6 pitches, the tee shall be used. Typically, pitching begins after the second or third game. 



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